Terms and conditions

I declare the following to be true:

    • I am at least 19 years of age.
    • I am aware magic mushrooms are not an approved therapeutic agent in the United States.
    • I wish to consider the use of magic mushrooms as medicine despite the potential side effects.
    • I have a medical condition (diagnosis) that may benefit from magic mushrooms.
    • I am legally able to make all of my health decisions on my own
    • I agree not to make any claim or commence any proceedings against naturalshroomies.com / family physicians / or any other involved physicians in relation to my use of magic mushrooms.
    • I do not support any claims my family, friends or other interested parties made against said naturalshroomies.com and physicians. I release Natural Shroomies / my family physician / any other involved physicians from any and all actions, claims, causes of actions, complaints (even by family and friends) and demands for damages, loss, or injury whatsoever arising directly or indirectly as a consequence to my use of magic mushrooms. This release from liability will be binding on heirs, executors and assigns.

  • SIDE EFFECTS CONSENT (I declare the following true)

    • I acknowledge there has only been limited research into the safety of magic mushrooms and that the safety and efficiency of dried magic mushrooms for medical purposes have not been established. No notice of compliance has been issued for magic mushrooms in the United States. I understand and accept the following possible consequences of magic mushroom use including but not limited to impaired judgment, anxiety, paranoia, sedation, decreased inhibitions, drug tolerance, possible dependence, possible withdrawal symptoms, the need for possible drug holidays, an increase in appetite leading possibly to weight gain, an impaired immune system, interaction with other drugs, the potential need to decrease the dose of some medications (with the supervision of my primary care physician), dysphoria (an unpleasant emotional state), depleted energy, impaired short term memory, and lung damage (smoked form)
    • I acknowledge that all of the potential health risks associated with magic mushrooms may not yet have been identified and that magic mushrooms may have an adverse effect on my health in the future.
    • I acknowledge the use of magic mushrooms may affect my motor skills. Consequently, I will not operate a motor vehicle, handle machinery or perform other risky activities if impaired by magic mushrooms.
    • I understand that the use of magic mushrooms may be dangerous during pregnancy. I agree to notify my primary care practitioner if I have any significant side effects arising from my use of magic mushrooms.